A grey panoramic photo of a mountain range

A grey wide-shot photo of a forest path with trees on either side

A grey photo of desert caves with light filtering in from above

A grey panoramic photo of a mountain range
We are a consulting group based in Boulder, Colorado, and Washington D.C. that focuses on the human side of organizations, helping you tend the flame of sustainable change and ignite the genius of individuals, groups, and organizations.
With over 40 years of experience, Elaine brings expertise to her work with leaders, organizations and systems. With humor, candor, and a deep knowledge of social science research, she ignites the genius of individuals, teams , and organizations for high performance and sustainable change especially while dealing with complex issues, conflict, diversity and aspirations…
We are connected to a worldwide network of expert consultants. Their experience allows the Yarbrough Group to provide custom evaluation and create nuanced solutions for you, your team or your organization. With graduate degrees in Communication, Organizational Development, Diversity and Inclusion, and Conflict Analysis and Resolution, to…
Lindsay helps individuals identify underlying motivations and goals in order to devise plans to feel connected to their work and live their authentic lives. Lindsay’s work has been in facilitating understanding of systems and how people operate in them. Based in Washington, DC her background in policy, campaigns and non-profits means she understands…

Your vision of where you want to be is one of the greatest assets you have.
And there is only one surefire way to get there—people.
As your consulting and coaching partner:
We capture your vision. We empower your people. We inspire positive change to occur from within.
We ignite your team’s enthusiasm. And upon creating real transformation;
ultimately pass the torch to you to achieve greatness, and sustain it.
How we get there is unique to each group. Groups are made up of individuals, and we know then that a customized approach works the very best to address your particular needs, challenges, working style, personalities, and goals.
The result is always the same. To leave every single client, group, team, and organization authentically better than we found it. Through your people, we resolve, rejuvenate, communicate, coach and develop so that you are no longer your own obstacle in the path to success. Become a cultivated, evolved, and empowered team. A better-than-ever team unified and ignited to accomplish the real mission of your organization.
We can help you solve the unsolvable problems that may be keeping you from reaching your fullest potential. Become a cultivated, empowered organization. Accomplish your real mission. Here are a few areas where we may be of service to you:
Organizational Development
Leadership Development
Diverse & Inclusive Work Places
Women’s Leadership
Train the Trainer
Workshop Development
Strategic Planning
Conflict Management
Organizational Change & Stability
Polarity Thinking & Application
Effective Communication
Question’s Thinking